Mind Blowing Effects of a Daily Cup of Tea on Body

2019-01-15 22:47 Muhammad Sarosh

With busy schedule and modern lifestyle, we have passed the period of “a glass of fresh milk” to enhance physical fitness, and “a daily cup of tea in morningthat used to be a choice of Chinese people. But if someone studies the positive outcomes tea can bring in some one’s life by studying tea knowledge, it becomes hard from him to avoid it. Purpose of this article is to enlighten the advantages just a single cup of tea can actually give you on daily bases

Tea contains more than 500 kinds of chemicals, including tea polyphenols, theanine, caffeine, vitamins, minerals, protein, tea polysaccharides and so on. Most of these ingredients are beneficial to the human body, and together with these beneficial elements, they can give us head-to-toe protection.

Effects on Brain

When we drink a cup of tea, we finally cross"blood-brain barrier" into the brain tissue, and a wave of theanine enters the brain. Inside brain tissue, theanine can affect the metabolism and release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, and it can calm the nerves and protect brain damage.

Effects on Skin

Tea is rich in tea polyphenols. Tea polyphenols, which is a natural and excellent antioxidant. In the field of modern chemistry, tea polyphenols are widely used in various antioxidant products. The most common ones are cosmetics of various kinds.

Tea polyphenols, as having excellent anti-oxidation function, make our skin moisturize and gives it an anti-aging effect. A significant effect of “anti-aging” magic of tea can be observed by long-term tea drinking and it far better than cosmetics. Thus, drinking a cup daily can make you healthy and young.

Effects on Tooth

Fluorine has major advantage in preventing the tea cavity and protecting the teeth from spoiling. The role of anti-bacterial control in tea is mainly from fluorine. Many anti-mite components of toothpaste are also fluorine.

On the one hand, fluoride reduces the solubility of the enamel on the surface of the teeth and promotes remineralization of the enamel.
With the same acidity, if fluoride is present, the solubility of the teeth is reduced and it is not prone to spoilage.
On the other hand, fluoride can inhibit the growth of cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and inhibit bacterial acid production. Ingestion of proper fluoride during tooth development can make the tip of the tooth blunt and  shallow. This morphological change makes the teeth easy to clean and enhance the resistance to decay.

Effects on Eyes

The vitamins contained in tea, especially carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 are essential elements for maintaining the physiological functions of the eye. Each 100 grams of tea contains about 1200 micrograms of vitamin B2, which is about 5 times higher than soybeans and about 60 times higher than melons.

Every cup of tea is equivalent to 20 micrograms of vitamin B2, which is an essential ingredient for maintaining normal function of the retina.
Drinking a cup of tea daily can prevent corneal opacity, dry eyes, vision loss and other symptoms.

Effects on Heart

The study showed that drinking at least one cup of tea a day can reduce the risk of heart attack by 44%. The reason why drinking tea has such an effective effect is that tea contains a large number of flavonoids and vitamins, which can make the blood thin and hence doesn’t allow it to condense. Flavonoids are one of the potent antioxidants that counteract the adverse effects of oxygen in the body.So, if you wish to live a long and risk-free life from lot of diseases including heart attack, tea is one of your solution for this.

Effects on Liver

The liver is an important organ for detoxification. Tea has very cool nature and effect on whole body so drinking tea can remove the heat and detoxify, and it can also prevent liver disease. One of the important ingredients in tea, catechin, can prevent the accumulation of cholesterol and neutral fat in the blood and liver, so drinking tea can clear the liver.

As we mentioned earlier, tea polyphenols can eliminate inflammation and detoxification so by drinking a cup daily the blood has already been filtered of many kinds of viruses and bacteria which undoubtedly reduce the burden on the liver.

Effects on Stomach

Drink tea all the year round, can ease bowel movements, help digestion, and also prevent chronic gastritis. Tea polyphenols are a small expert in the human body and can play a role in all aspects. In the stomach, the special function of tea polyphenols is to promote intestinal peristalsis and help digestion. Drinking tea often is good for improving the immunity of the human intestine.